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Restorative Dentistry from Kimberley Family Dental


Restorative dentistry helps repair decayed, damaged, or already missing teeth. Depending on the severity of damage to your tooth, there are a variety of options that can be used to help restore your mouth back to its original smile. For more information about the restorative dentistry at Kimberley Family Dental, read on below or give our office a call.


When your tooth is damaged, a crown can be used to restore it back to its original shape and function. Crowns act as a cap over the tooth and can be used to help repair a root canal, large filling, and a broken or cracked tooth. 


Bridges can replace one or more missing teeth. Typically, it consists of an artificial tooth with two crowns on either side to cement to the existing, natural teeth. A bridge is permanent and cannot be removed. 


Implants replace a missing or infected root by inserting an artificial root made of titanium steel. An artificial tooth is then anchored to the implant to replace the missing tooth. This is a strong and permanent solution to replace a lost tooth.


Your jaw joints used for chewing, swallowing, and speaking are called the temporomandibular. When you have a problem with the joint and muscle in the area, you may have a temporomandibular disorder (TMD). We can help you treat your bruxism and find a treatment option that works best for you. 

Root Canal Treatment

If your tooth’s root becomes infected, a root canal treatment can save the root and tooth rather than having to remove it. We remove the infected pulp from the root, fill it with a specially formulated solution, and then seal the canal.


Fillings are used to treat any cavities you may have. Our dentists will remove any traces of decay and then shape the hole, or pit, of your tooth. Your tooth is then filled to protect the tooth and prevent future issues from occurring.


Inlays and onlays are used to repair teeth with mild decay that are not damaged enough to require a crown but too damaged to require a filling. An inlay fits inside the pit of the tooth while the onlay covers the cusp of the tooth.

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