Dr. D. Eric Nelson, General Dentist
Dr. Jordan Enns, General Dentist
Dr. Spencer Dunn, General Dentist
Dental Cleanings and Oral Examinations
In addition to proper brushing and flossing, having a professional dental cleaning twice a year can dramatically improve your oral health. This gives the hygienist and dentist the opportunity to locate any areas in the mouth that may require special attention. Kimberley Family Dentistry offers dental cleanings and examinations for all ages, beginning with your child’s first visit!
Oral Examination
As part of your annual dental visit, an oral examination is essential to look for issues affecting your teeth and any future problems that might pop up. In addition to looking for more common issues such as cavities, we also check for oral cancer, periodontal disease, and perform a biting, chewing, and grinding check.
Dental Cleaning
To prevent cavities, tartar, and plaque build-up, dental cleanings help clean and strengthen your teeth. We inspect, clean, and polish your teeth and remove any accumulated plaque.
X-Ray & 3D Imaging
Our x-ray and 3D imaging technology allows us to see things invisible to the naked eye. We can determine the presence of things such as periodontal disease, cavities, abscesses, and abnormal growth or movement.
If you are suffering from a damaged tooth and are in need of repairs, learn more about our restorative dentistry services such as root canal treatment, implants, crowns, bridges, and more!